Flight check-in

Passengers must check in at least two hours before their scheduled flight departure time at the airport. For check-in, travelers must have valid identification and travel documents, such as an international passport or another document that allows to travel. The counters open two hours before departure and close 45 minutes prior to takeoff.

Additionally, the boarding gate will be closed 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time.

We recommend that passengers arrive at the airport in advance of their scheduled departure for a smoother travel experience.

Once checked in, passengers will receive their boarding passes and can proceed through security to the departure gate.

Passengers must present a valid travel passport during the check-in, passport control, and security procedures.

Boarding for the flight

In 45 minutes before scheduled departure we recommend all passengers to be near the gate of departure. The gate number will be indicated on your boarding pass as well as on the departure dashboard.

After an announcement for boarding please go to the gate and follow the instructions of the staff for safety boarding.

The boarding gate will be closed 15 minutes before departure.

How to add additional services to your booking:

  • 1

    Choose the additional services you need.

  • 2

    Go to "My booking" page.Coming soon

  • 3

    Order the selected services in the "Add extras" menu.

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